Payment FAQ

Can I make an advance payment without a GST return before the return and payment due date?

Most taxpayers will file the GST return and make the payment by the due date; however, the Department will accept advance payments. All you need to do is to visit the Department and inform them that you would like to make a payment in advance. You will still be required to file the monthly GST return and make any final payment by the due date.

What happens if I make my payment after the due date?

If you make payment after the due date, you are liable for the following:

  • Late payment penalty of 10% of the tax due where the payment is not made by the due date;
  • Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month or part thereof for the period during which it remains unpaid.

If you fail to pay the tax and/or penalty you owe the government, the GST Act empowers officers of the Belize Tax Service to commence collection action.

Is there a close off time for banks when doing online payments?

Payments made online must be done before 07:00 PM, any payment made after 07:00PM would be accounted for the next working day. Payments not made by 7:00pm on tax due date will attract Penalty and Interest.