How do I register for an online account?
- Select “Register for an account” on
- Complete the registration details for new user
- Agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
- Select “Submit my Registration” to authenticate the account
- After authentication has been completed, an email is sent to the taxpayer for activation of the account
- Click the link to activate the account. Kindly note: The link is only valid for one (1) hour. Thereafter, if the taxpayer fails to access the link within the said time, the taxpayer must repeat the sign-in process. Also, the taxpayer must provide documentation to the department indicating what tax account(s) should be attached to the online account as well as the the permissions that sub-users, if applicable, must have.
- Click the link to activate, you will then be redirected to IRIS Belize Online home page to sign in with username and password.
- After successfully logging in to IRIS Belize Online, you will directed to the home page (showcase of tax accounts that Taxpayer is registered for) where they can:
- File Returns
- Make Payments
- View Payments
Can you Register a new business (company, partnership, NGO etc.) online?
Currently, not in Phase 1. You will need to contact or visit the office.